Chinese Ministries Update
By Jenny Zhang

Our Chinese Ministry Director, Luke and his wife, Jenny, have been busy laboring among the Chinese people both within China and outside of China. In February of this year, Luke was in Fujian Province in the southern part of China. He worked with house churches in rural areas as well as metropolitan areas. In many of the cities students and professors came to the meetings and God's grace and mercy were evident. Many lost souls were saved and many Christians were encouraged by God's word and His love.

Later in the year, Luke was in the Shanghai area ministering to Chinese people who have recently returned to China from overseas. Some of them became Christians while they were abroad and now are beginning to establish Bible study groups, fellowships and even churches at their homes and work places. This was a great opportunity for Luke to work with them, sharing the gospel with many seekers and encouraging the leaders. Life for many of them is very challenging with many temptations surrounding them and a lack of solid support and/or mentoring

Luke Preaching

structures. Many of them feel alone in the battle they fight. Luke is working on connecting them with one another and establishing a network of support for them.

In May, Luke also led a short-term team consisting of a pastor and some key leaders from a Chinese church in Michigan. They worked in the rural areas of the Zhejiang Province teaching Bible and theology classes to the house church leaders. They also visited cities and worked with city house churches where many students and professionals meet regularly.

The summer is also going to be a busy time for Luke and Jenny. They have two mission trips planned. One will be to China where they will partner with other Chinese Christian organizations to lead a spiritual growth camp in the Southeastern part of China. They will also be working with the Chinese Christians referred to in the second paragraph who have recently returned from overseas. The second trip will be to the Ukraine where recently there have been many Chinese students, both graduate and undergraduate; who are studying there as well has many Chinese business men who are residing there. God has opened this door for Luke and Jenny and a group of brothers and sisters who will be going there to minister to them. In the fall, Luke will again return to China where he will be working with house churches. Please keep Luke and Jenny and the Chinese ministries in your prayers.

Due to the sensitive nature of our work in these difficult places, many names and details have been omitted. Also for security purposes, please do not copy or publish any part of this without speaking with us first.