• 642 South Short Lane, Eagle, Idaho 83616


Sowers Int'l | Contact Us

Please contact the Sowers International Short Term MIssion Trips at:

Direct all inquiries to:

Gwynn Lewis, Founder/Executive Director
642 S Short Lane
Eagle, Idaho
(310) 503-2215 (phone & text)
e-mail: Gwynn@sower.org

For Donations:

Sowers International
PO Box 77160
Corona, CA 92877

USA Staff

Kirk Lantz - Associate Director, email: kirklantz29@gmail.com
Romeo Niere, Director of South East Asian Ministries - e-mail: romeon@sower.org
Luke Zhang, Director of Chinese Ministries - e-mail: lukez@sower.org
Jenny Zhang, Coordinator for U.S. Chinese Ministries - e-mail: lukez@sower.org

Area Directors

Kirk Lantz - Associate Director, email: kirklantz29@gmail.com
China - Luke & Jenny Zhang - e-mail: lukez@sower.org
South East Asia - Romeo Niere - e-mail: romeon@sower.org
Latin America - Juan Castro - e-mail: juan@sower.org
Christafari - Ed & Margaret Mohr

Safe and Secure

Tax Deductable

How to give to Sowers International

1. Make out a check to Sowers International with a note saying who the check is for and mail it to:

Sowers International
Post Office Box 77160
Corona, CA 92877

2. To give by credit card or direct bank transfer go to:
Follow the onscreen instructions to enter your info.
Choose who you want to give to from the drop down menu.
Select Credit Card or Electronic Transfer.

We like Electronic Transfer, it's like sending a check without the paper, and there's no charge like the c.c.

3. You can send a check through your online banking function, to do that use this address:

Sowers International
Post Office Box 77160
Corona, CA 92877

All donations are tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt and a new envelope by return mail. There will be a portion of the receipt that you can use in the future if you wish to continue your support.

You can set up reoccurring donations through #2 & #3, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. This option can be stopped at any time.

A word on security: the only information you give out to do electronic giving is the same information you give every time you give out a paper check, those numbers are printed on the bottom of your check. We use a company called Stewardship Technology to process our donations; they are dedicated to serving God and His Church through the marriage of Biblical stewardship and technology. They provide technology products and services for churches and non-profit organizations that enhancetheir ability to fulfill their mission.

This giving system is totally secure. There is no risk to have your identity stolen or your bank account or credit card compromised.

Download PDF version here.


House of Refuge - Joshua 20

Equipping local churches to rescue and support trafficked children. We are dedicated to ending human trafficking by providing safe homes for at-risk children and offering refuge to those trapped in exploitation.

Url: http://housesofrefuge.global

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