All donations are tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt and a new envelope by return mail. There will be a portion of the receipt that you can use in the future if you wish to continue your support.
You can set up reoccurring donations through #2 & #3, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. This option can be stopped at any time.
A word on security: the only information you give out to do electronic giving is the same information you give every time you give out a paper check, those numbers are printed on the bottom of your check. We use a company called Stewardship Technology to process our donations; they are dedicated to serving God and His Church through the marriage of Biblical stewardship and technology. They provide technology products and services for churches and non-profit organizations that enhancetheir ability to fulfill their mission.
This giving system is totally secure. There is no risk to have your identity stolen or your bank account or credit card compromised.